Resultados del partido
Olimpica Victoriana B vs Atl.juval B

Fecha #4 (19/11/2011)

Olimpica Victoriana B 9
0 Atl.juval B

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17.07.2013 20:41:20 | Fecha #4

It s about two puerto rican sisters from the bronx. one is a high scoohl dropout and a single mom, the other s an ivy league graduate. after the grandmother who raised them dies, they have a fight over where to bury her that s a proxy for their lifetime conflict over values how do you honor family and tradition while also pursuing your own dreams? so, debut literary fiction, which is a hard sell. but multicultural fiction, which has a market. but but, the novel is written in first person from the pov of multiple characters, which has turned off editors. so though i ve gotten great feedback on the characterizations, and even offers to read the rewrite, i m still getting rejections. it sucks, it does. i try not to resent other writers, especially genre writers because it s such a different world and i figure we re not splashing in the same pond anyway and if you can tap into an audience for your work, good on you. but that sentence...argh. [url=]lleoiv[/url] [link=]bznjpfpztn[/link]

15.07.2013 19:02:34 | Fecha #4

At last, soneome who comes to the heart of it all

14.07.2013 23:33:39 | Fecha #4

The forum is a brhgetir place thanks to your posts. thanks!

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